My dream as a child...

I remember that when I was little I liked to play with my sister and my cousins ​​in the field and I hoped to get to my father with the vet so that he would treat the animals and give them remedies when they were sick and he always. I told him that I would be a doctor to take care of them, I grew up and I always liked helping my nephews or cousins ​​with their homework and teaching them when they did not understand and I studied the career of technician in kindergarten at school and I worked for a while but it was so hard that I suffered a lot So I gave myself a year to think about what I was passionate about and I applied to several careers, one of them was mining engineering, when I received the results and it was time to apply for a health problem of my father I decided not to enter and wait another year, what decided me to study this career was the connection I have with nature and the search for improvements when working with forests and taking care of many of the species that are disappearing due to the action of man besides the fact that the university is close to my house haha.
 Up to now my experience has not been as I dreamed it since I wanted to fall in love even more doing my practices and field trips to demonstrate the knowledge learned but due to the pandemic it has become very difficult.
     I hope to be able to work in a reserve or in a sector that seeks to generate forest protection methods and sustainable projects for the use of it.


  1. awww I'm glad you chose such a beautiful path, I hope everything works out for you <3


  2. you are very lucky to live near the university hahaha I live two hours away :(

  3. How lucky to live near the university !!


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